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The development of phase two of the Building a Century of Excellence strategic plan took place over the course of the 2023-24 academic year, starting in September 2023.

SeptemberDecember 2023

Task force subgroups, in consultation with the full task force and the cabinet leadership team, developed a draft of a strategic goal (or multiple strategic goals) for each area and conducted a strategic analysis of each area by answering questions relevant to each.

January 2024

Task force subgroups, as part of the January in-service all-employee gathering, conducted workshops to discuss the draft strategic goals and to seek further input from the Indiana Tech community.

February 2024

Members of the task force subgroups and the cabinet leadership team conducted workshops with the Indiana Tech Board of Trustees to discuss the draft strategic goals and to seek further input
and feedback.

April 2024

A final draft of the 2024-2030 strategic goals was presented to the Indiana Tech community.

May 2024

The 2024-2030 strategic goals were brought to the Board of Trustees for final discussion and approval. The Board voted unanimously to approve the strategic goals for phase two of the Building a Century of Excellence Strategic Plan.
