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Goals and Objectives

In crafting the Indiana Tech Strategic Plan with all university stakeholders in mind, the SPTF has built these goals and objectives on the foundational precepts emphasized in our current Mission, Vision, and Values statements. For the strategic plan to succeed, it is imperative that in each of these goals and objectives we maintain our strong financial and operational processes in a culture of integrity, respect and responsible ethical conduct.

Goal 01

We will enhance our academic quality and reputation.

Goal 02

We will deliver a world class student experience.

Goal 03

We will create a clear, consistent and recognizable brand.

Goal 04

We will grow the human resources, facilities and technological infrastructure.

Goal 05

We will grow friend and fundraising competency into an institutional strength.

Goal 06

We will develop a vibrant, inclusive and diverse culture connecting all campuses and locations.

Indiana Tech campus

The success of the plan, from concept to reality, is a reflection of the commitment of the entire campus community.
